Have you tried garlic greens before? I sowed the cloves for the garlic greens, which I use in stir-fry dishes, noodles and pasta.
Garlic greens are easy to grow. Firstly you will need some garlic cloves, just take some from your kitchen basket or buy some from the market.
23/03/2012 : Place the garlic cloves in the soil, with sharp end pointing up. Choose the big, plump cloves.
Cover completely and water, may add fertilizer.
05/04/2012 : Sprouted garlic greens
11/04/2012 : Looking good
16/04/2012 : When the plants reached about 12" in height, it is time to harvest for the greens. They will be young and tender. I once waited a couple of weeks longer, and the garlic plants turn yellow and wilted. So now, after doing some research from the internet, I know that once they reaches a height of 12", it is the right time to harvest for the greens.
My harvested garlic greens
Looks like "mini leeks"!
The garlic greens are great in stir-fries and noodles dishes. If you have not tried planting these before, give it a try, you just need a pot with some soil and some garlic cloves from your kitchen!
Happy Gardening !!